
Family-friendly planting experience and exhibition

  • Family-friendly planting experience and exhibition
  • Family-friendly planting experience and exhibition
A flower arrangement experience was held for families, in order to foster a love for flowers and plants through contact with them, to learn about the preciousness of life, and to lead to kindness towards people and living things.

The flower arrangements that families made together were used to decorate the fair opening venue, and were also exhibited in front of the entrance gate to Akashi Kaikyo National Park on Awaji Island during the fair and the long holiday period.
  • Enjoy flowersEnjoy flowers
  • Participation/ExperienceParticipation/Experience
Date and time Throughout the year (Exhibition runs from 3/15 to 5/6)
Venue Awaji Island Akashi Kaikyo National Government Park Higashiuraguchi Gate
Initiatives that contribute to SDGs
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